Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I spoke

I was practising the floating dollar note for tomorrow when the new No. 1 saw it. She was kind of tickled.

Today got meeting again in school whole day. I think I spoke too much and have said many things that might just get me into trouble.... but hey, that's me. I think I was kind of drunk just now, drunk with worry and anxiety. So on hindsight, shooting my mouth in a meeting with all the school staff, might just have been a coping mechanism to the stress that I so long to forget.

Global citizenship was what we talked about. I remembered the book that my 6-1'o7 published. I think you guys know more about it than many other adults. I wonder if my next year's class is as intesting and as full of flavour as this year's. I guess I'll worry about that after tomorrow...

I also wonder if I can get any sleep tonight...

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