Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why I love my job

Today was special. Eli came in the afternoon to visit. I had an urgent meeting so I could only talk to her for a while. I should have told her to visit me after 430. I thought she would stay till evening but she did not. Would have loved to talk to her more. Next week Pearlyn is coming so Eli, if you can join her please do. Please check with me on Thursday so I can confirm the best time for you two to visit.

Then later on at about 5.30, Eve and Grace came to visit and bought me a cake! I took them on a tour and sat down to talk for a very very long time. It is nice to hear and be updated of their lives in secondary school. Please do not give up on Geography. It is your teacher's favourite subject. He got a first class honours in it ok. Through them, I learned about the other members of 6-1'07 and their lives. It was hilarious but at the same time sad that I am no longer a part of these new learnings of theirs.

To top it all up, TJ and Pam smsed me. Pam, I am so proud of your results!

What is sad is that only my female students visit and sms me. What happens to the boys? I hope to see them soon. I understand you guys are busy and please, school work must come first. Just remember my 6-1'o7, study hard and enjoy secondary life. These are not mutually exclusive.

May you live all the days of your life.

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