Sunday, February 10, 2008

I prefer radio

I went to Ubin for a camera shoot for a TV show, 'Once Upon a Tree 2' on Friday. I needed to raise the awareness of Chek Jawa being up for reclamation in four years time. I hate cameras but as usual, the cause was more important than me.

I prefer radio interviews. TV needed me to say the same thing again and again and again. Sometimes I cannot remember my lines and it was really painful to say them again and again and I am used to giving long boring lectures.

Anyway... here is a cat that we met at Mount Olympus. This cat was just below the snow zone. The temperatures were freezing and this cat was just cool. He does not seem to be affected by the temperature at all.

Look at that fur! If this cat is in Singapore, I bet it wont be a street cat.

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